Is ar bharr Cnoc na Dúnta i nDún Méanach atá sí seo. Uaigh Dinge a tugtar ar an ndéanamh atá uirthi. Tógadh iad i dtreo deireadh na Cloch Aoise thart ar 2,200-1,800 R.C.Tá taobh amháin den uaigh níos leithne ná an taobh eile agus tá tosach na dinge níos airde ná an deireadh. Tógadh fallaí daingne cloch nó galláin agus cuireadh leaca móra troma mar dhíon ar an uaigh. I bPúicín an Chairn tá an oscailt in áit difriúil ó mar a bhí sé nuair a tógadh í. Cuirtí alán coirp sna huaigeanna seo. Dódh an corp de ghnáth agus cuirtí an luaith i gcrúscaí san uaigh. Is minic a bhíonn na huaigeanna seo suite ar thalamh ard. Uaigh an- suimúil é toisc go bhfuil an chuid is mó de na clocha a usáideadh san uaigh ann go fóill. Tá ceann de na galláin chliathanacha in easnamh agus is féidir dul isteach san uaigh fé láthair tríd an oscailt seo.
On Doonties hill we have an example of a wedge shaped tomb,a megalithic grave.These were built towards the end of the Stone Age and early bronze age ,in the period 2,200 to 1,800 B.C. The roof of the tomb is higher on one side than the other and the front is also higher than the back. The stone walls were first built and heavy slabs were then placed as a roof on top of the tomb. In Púicín an chairn the entrance now differs to where it was firstly positioned. Many bodies were buried in these tombs. The corpse was usually cremated and the ashes were put in jars in the tomb . These tombs were often situated on high ground. This tomb is of interest as many of the stones still remain. One of the side stones is missing and one can enter the tomb through this opening. There is a splendid view of Dingle Bay from here.